From which place (village, city, region) and which country are you? - Willemstad, Curaçao. What is your current job title or position? - Director of the National Library / Business owner / Entrepreneur How many years of work experience do you have in your own country? - 17 years What language(s) are foreign business people expected to know when doing business with and in your country? - English / Spanish What foreign languages do business people in your country typically know? - English, Spanish and Dutch What are foreign languages people in your country typically struggle with? - Dutch If the language is English, how difficult is it for foreigners and locals to settle issues of dialects or regional accents, so that they can understand each other? - Not that difficult. Most professionals are proficient in English. Do some foreign business people learn the local language Papiamento, and if so, how do people react? - Some foreigners do their best to learn the local language. P...